pixelTerms of Service

Terms of Service

Article 1 (Purpose)

This Terms and Conditions is intended to stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the platform and users in utilizing the subtitle-related services provided on Jocasso, operated by Code Mafia Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

※ This Terms and Conditions shall also apply to e-commerce using PC communication, wireless, etc., unless it contradicts its nature.

Article 2 (Definitions)

① The term "Platform" refers to a virtual business place set up to enable the trading of goods, etc., by using computer and other information communication equipment to provide users with translated subtitles, basic subtitles, and the like.

② The term "User" refers to members and non-members who connect to the "Platform" and receive the services provided by the "Platform" in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

③ The term 'Member' refers to an individual who has registered as a member on the "Platform" and who can continuously use the services provided by the "Platform."

④ The term 'Non-member' refers to an individual who uses the services provided by the "Platform" without registering as a member.

Article 3 (Specification, Explanation, and Amendment of Terms and Conditions)

① The "Platform" shall post the contents of these terms and conditions, name and representative's name of the company, business address (including the address where consumer complaints can be processed), telephone number, email address, business registration number, mail-order business registration number, and personal information management officer on the initial service screen (bottom) of the "Platform" so that users can easily know them. However, the contents of the terms and conditions can be viewed by users through a link.

② Before agreeing to these terms and conditions, the "Platform" must provide separate links or popup screens to obtain user confirmation on important contents specified in the terms and conditions such as the right of withdrawal, translation responsibility, and refund conditions, ensuring that the users can understand them.

③ The "Platform" may amend these terms and conditions within the bounds that do not violate related laws such as the "Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce," "Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions," "Electronic Documents and Electronic Transaction Basic Law," "Electronic Financial Transactions Act," "Electronic Signature Act," "Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection," "Consumer Basic Act," etc.

④ When the "Platform" amends the terms and conditions, it shall specify the effective date and reasons for the amendment and notify them on the initial screen of the Platform from 7 days before the effective date until the day before the effective date along with the current terms and conditions. However, in case of changing the contents of the terms and conditions unfavorably for users, it shall be announced with at least a 30-day prior notice period. In this case, the "Platform" shall clearly compare the contents before and after the amendment to make it easy for users to understand.

⑤ If the "Platform" amends the terms and conditions, the amended terms and conditions shall apply only to contracts concluded after the effective date, and the terms and conditions before the amendment shall apply as they are to contracts already concluded before. However, if a user who has already concluded a contract sends a wish to the "Platform" to apply the amended terms and conditions during the notification period of amended terms and conditions as per paragraph 3 and obtains the consent of the "Platform," the amended terms and conditions shall apply.

⑥ For matters not specified in these terms and conditions and interpretation of these terms and conditions, the "Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce," "Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions," guidelines for consumer protection in e-commerce, etc., set by the Fair Trade Commission, related laws, or commercial practices shall be followed.

Article 4 (Provision and Modification of Services)

① The "Platform" performs the following tasks:

  1. Provision and contract conclusion for basic subtitles, translated subtitles, and special translations.
  2. Provision of subtitles with concluded purchase contracts and uploading to related videos.
  3. Delivery of data analysis results.
  4. Other tasks as defined by the "Platform."

② If the purchase contract concluded between the user and the "Platform" needs to be changed due to an error, the "Platform" shall immediately notify the user of the reason.

③ In the case of the preceding paragraph, the "Platform" shall compensate the user for any damage incurred. However, this shall not apply if the "Platform" proves there was no intent or negligence.

Article 5 (Interruption of Services)

① The "Platform" may temporarily suspend the provision of services in case of events such as maintenance, inspection, replacement, malfunction of computers or other information and communication equipment, or communication interruptions.

② The "Platform" shall compensate the user or a third party for any damage incurred due to the temporary suspension of service provision in the event of paragraph 1, unless the "Platform" proves there was no intent or negligence.

③ In the event that the service can no longer be provided due to reasons such as a change of business type, abandonment of business, or integration among companies, the "Platform" shall notify users according to the method outlined in Article 8 and compensate consumers according to the conditions initially set forth by the "Platform."

Article 6 (Membership Registration)

① Users apply for membership by filling out member information according to the form set by the "Platform" and expressing agreement to these terms and conditions.

② The "Platform" registers the user as a member unless the user who applied for membership as per paragraph 1 falls under any of the following:

1. If the applicant has previously lost membership qualifications under Article 7, Paragraph 3 of these terms and conditions. However, exceptions are made for those who have obtained re-approval for membership from the "Platform" after 3 years have passed since the loss of membership qualifications under Article 7, Paragraph 3.
2. If there are false, omitted, or incorrect details in the registration.
3. If it is deemed that registering as a member would significantly hinder the technical aspects of the "Platform."

③ The establishment of the membership contract occurs when the acceptance from the "Platform" reaches the member.

④ If there are any changes to the details provided during membership registration, members must notify the "Platform" of such changes through member information modification or other means within a reasonable period.

Article 7 (Loss of Membership Qualifications, etc.)

① The "Platform" may restrict or suspend membership qualifications if a member falls under any of the following:

1. If false information was provided during the application for membership.
2. If the member fails to pay the due amount for the subtitles purchased or other debts owed in relation to the use of the "Platform" by the due date.
3. If the member interferes with others' use of the "Platform" or misuses information, threatening the order of e-commerce.
4. If the member engages in illegal activities or activities against public morals using the "Platform" or violates any laws or provisions of these terms and conditions.

③ After the "Platform" restricts or suspends membership qualifications, if the same behavior is repeated 2 or more times or the cause is not rectified within 30 days, the "Platform" may revoke membership qualifications.

④ When the "Platform" revokes membership qualifications, it cancels the member registration. In this case, the member will be notified, and a period of at least 30 days will be set before the cancellation of member registration to give the member a chance to explain.

Article 8 (Notification to Members)

① When the "Platform" notifies a member, it can be done through the email address designated in advance in agreement with the "Platform".

② In the case of notification to an unspecified majority of members, the "Platform" may replace individual notifications by posting on the "Platform" board for more than one week. However, individual notifications will be given for matters that significantly affect the member's own transactions.

Article 9 (Purchase Application)

① Users of the "Platform" can apply for a purchase through the following or similar methods on the "Platform," and the "Platform" should provide the following details in an easily understandable manner for users when applying for a purchase:

  1. Video URL, video language, translation language
  2. Detailed billing for each video
  3. Selection and payment of payment methods

Article 10 (Formation of Contract)

① The "Platform" may not accept the purchase application as per Article 9 if any of the following applies:

  1. If there are false, omitted, or incorrect details in the application content.
  2. If the copyright of the video is unclear.
  3. If the content of the video title description is unrelated to the video.
  4. Other cases where accepting the purchase application is deemed to significantly hinder the technical aspects of the "Platform."

② The contract is deemed to be established when the acceptance of the "Platform" reaches the user in the form of a receipt confirmation notification as per Article 12, Paragraph 1.

③ The expression of acceptance by the "Platform" should include information regarding the confirmation of the user's purchase application, availability for sale, corrections, cancellations of the purchase application, etc.

Article 11 (Payment Method)

The payment methods for the subtitles purchased on the "Platform" can be done by any of the following available methods:

  1. Various account transfers such as phone banking, internet banking, mail banking.
  2. Various card payments such as prepaid cards, debit cards, credit cards.
  3. Payment by gift certificates contracted with the "Platform" or recognized by the "Platform".
  4. Other electronic payment methods, etc.

Article 12 (Receipt Confirmation Notification, Changes, and Cancellation of Purchase Application)

① The "Platform" will send a receipt confirmation notification to the user when there is a purchase application.

② Upon receiving the receipt confirmation notification, the user can request changes or cancellations to the subtitle purchase application if there are discrepancies in the expression of intent, and can't change it afterwards. However, if the payment has already been made, the provisions of Article 15 on withdrawal of the offer apply.

Article 13 (Supply of Subtitles)

① The "Platform" will take necessary measures such as typing, translating, etc., to deliver subtitles. At this time, the "Platform" will take appropriate measures so that the user can check the supply procedure and progress of the subtitles.

② The "Platform" specifies the delivery method, estimated subtitle production period, etc., for the subtitles purchased by the user.

③ If the user applies for more than 5 hours at once, the "Platform" may extend the subtitle production period in agreement with the user.

④ The "Platform" may obtain delegation of authority from the user's video upload platform (such as YouTube) to provide subtitle auto-upload functionality.

Article 14 (Data Analysis Supply)

① If the user purchases data analysis-related services or agrees to provide data analysis, the "Platform" provides data analysis services.

② To provide data analysis to the user, the "Platform" may obtain delegation of authority from the user's video upload platform (such as YouTube).

Article 15 (Refund)

If the "Platform" cannot provide the subtitles applied for purchase by the user, it will notify the user of the reason without delay and take necessary measures for a refund within 3 business days from the day the payment was received.

Article 16 (Withdrawal of Offer, etc.)

① Users who have entered into a contract with the "Platform" for the purchase of subtitles can withdraw the offer only before receiving the written contract content. However, if there are different provisions regarding the withdrawal of an offer in the "Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. Act," it shall follow the provisions of that Act.

② After receiving the subtitles, if the user has a responsible reason for the change in the requested video or misunderstands the purchase application of the video and requests rework, returns and exchanges are not allowed.

③ If the "Platform" does not specify in advance in a place easily noticeable to the consumer that the withdrawal of an offer is restricted, or does not provide trial goods, etc., the restrictions on the user's withdrawal of offer, etc., are not applicable.

④ Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2, if the subtitles are performed differently from the contract content, the user may withdraw the offer, etc., within 1 month from the day the subtitles are received, or within 30 days from the day the fact was known or could have been known.

Article 17 (Effects of Withdrawal of Offer, etc.)

In case of failure in subtitle creation, the "Platform" will refund the user within 3 business days.

Article 18 (Personal Information Protection)

① The "Platform" collects the minimum personal information necessary within the scope required for service provision when collecting personal information from the user.

② The "Platform" does not collect information necessary for the fulfillment of the purchase contract at the time of membership registration in advance. However, it is not the case where a minimum specific personal information is collected in cases where personal verification is required before a purchase contract for compliance with related legal obligations.

③ When collecting and using personal information of the user, the "Platform" notifies the user of the purpose and obtains consent.

④ The "Platform" cannot use the collected personal information for purposes other than the original purpose, and if a new usage purpose arises or is provided to a third party, it notifies the user of the purpose at the usage/provision stage and obtains consent. However, exceptions are made if differently stipulated in related laws.

⑤ In case the "Platform" needs to obtain the user’s consent according to Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3, it must specify or notify in advance the matters specified in Article 22, Paragraph 2 of the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.", including the identity of the personal information manager (name and telephone number, other contact details), the purpose of information collection and usage, and information provision related matters to third parties (recipient, purpose of provision and content of information to be provided). Users can withdraw this consent at any time.

⑥ Users can request access to and correction of their personal information held by the "Platform" at any time, and the "Platform" must take necessary measures without delay. If a user requests correction of an error, the "Platform" will not use the personal information until the error is corrected.

⑦ For personal information protection, the "Platform" should minimize the number of handlers of the user's personal information, and take full responsibility for any user damage resulting from loss, theft, leakage, provision to a third party without consent, alteration, etc., of personal information including credit card, bank account.

⑧ The "Platform" or the third party who received personal information from it, must destroy the personal information without delay once the purpose of collection or the purpose of provision has been achieved.

⑨ The "Platform" does not set the consent section regarding the collection, use, and provision of personal information as pre-selected. It also specifies the services restricted upon user’s refusal of consent for collection, use, and provision of personal information, and does not limit or refuse service provision like membership registration due to the refusal of consent for collection, use, and provision of non-mandatory personal information.

Article 19 (Duties of the "Platform")

  1. The "Platform" must not engage in actions forbidden by laws or these terms, or actions that go against public order and morals. It should do its best to provide goods and services in a continuous and stable manner as stipulated in these terms.

  2. The "Platform" should have a security system to protect the personal information (including credit information) of the users to ensure safe use of the internet services.

  3. If the "Platform" conducts unfair advertising practices as described in Article 3 of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising, causing harm to the users, it is responsible for compensating the damage.

Article 20 (Duties on Member's ID and Password)

  1. Except in the case of Article 17, the responsibility for managing ID and password lies with the member.

  2. Members should not allow third parties to use their ID and password.

  3. If a member realizes that their ID and password have been stolen or used by a third party, they must immediately notify the "Platform" and follow the instructions provided by the "Platform".

Article 21 (Duties of Users)

Users should not engage in the following actions:

  1. Registering false information during application or modification.
  2. Stealing others' information.
  3. Altering information posted on the "Platform".
  4. Transmitting or posting information other than what is set by the "Platform" (such as computer programs).
  5. Infringing upon the "Platform" or any third party’s copyright or other intellectual property rights.
  6. Damaging the reputation of the "Platform" or other third parties, or interfering with their work.
  7. Posting or publicizing obscene or violent messages, images, voices, or any other information offensive to public order and morals on the mall.

Article 22 (Ownership and Restrictions on Copyrights)

  1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights for the works created by the "Platform" are owned by the "Platform".

  2. The "Platform" should notify the user when using the copyright owned by the user according to the agreement.

Article 23 (Dispute Resolution)

  1. The "Platform" establishes and operates a damage compensation mechanism to reflect legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users, and to compensate for the damage.

  2. The "Platform" primarily deals with complaints and opinions submitted by users. However, if prompt handling is difficult, the reasons and the processing schedule will be immediately notified to the users.

  3. In case of a user's damage relief claim regarding e-commerce disputes arising between the "Platform" and the user, the adjustment of the Fair Trade Commission or a dispute resolution agency commissioned by city or provincial governor may be followed.

Article 24 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

  1. Lawsuits concerning e-commerce disputes arising between the "Platform" and the user shall be filed according to the user's address at the time of the lawsuit. If the address is not available, the local court governing the domicile will have exclusive jurisdiction. However, if the user's address or domicile is unclear at the time of lawsuit or if the user resides overseas, the lawsuit shall be filed in a court of jurisdiction as per the Civil Procedure Law.

  2. Korean law shall apply to e-commerce lawsuits filed between the "Platform" and the user.

Copyright ⓒ Codemafia. All Rights Reserved
Business Registration Number: 414-81-08646 | Representative Name: Jo Dong-geun | Company Name: Code Mafia | Phone Number: 070-8098-8134Business Address: 1114 Gyeoui-ro, 4th Floor, Suite 405 (Yadang-dong, Eiffel Tower), Paju-si, Gyeonggi-doTelecommunication Sales Business Registration Number: 2023-Gyeonggi Paju-0139Inquiries: help@codemafia.biz